I’ve been pretty busy the past few weeks with clients and haven’t had much time to blog. Last week, however, I gave a presentation to the OKC JUG (Java Users Group) about Scala. As anyone that actually reads my blog must know, Scala is my primary language and I absolutely love it. This week since…
Hyperscala: Why not Play?
This article is continuing in the series on exploring Hyperscala. If you have not already done so, I would highly recommend reading the following previous posts as many topics discussed here build on concepts previously discussed: Hyperscala: An Introduction Hyperscala: Getting Started Hyperscala: Chat Example The Play Framework is perhaps the most popular web framework…
Hyperscala: Chat Example
Up to this point we’ve talked about the high-level features of Hyperscala and have gone through a simple Hello World example, but today we’re going to write a real application to show a fairly simple real-world web application. The real-world application we’re going to write today is a chat example. This will utilize real-time messaging,…
Hyperscala: Getting Started
Last week I did an introduction to Hyperscala and briefly outlined some really cool things it can do. This week I want to slow down a bit and take you through the basics of getting your first application up and running with Hyperscala. Requirements: Since there is a broad number of IDEs / editors used…
Hyperscala: An Introduction
It has been well over a year since my last post. In 2011 I went to work for Overstock and moved to Utah. Life got busy and I worked during the day and when I had time I programmed on Sgine at night (http://www.sgine.org). In February of 2012 I left Overstock and moved back to…
Web Development Shouldn’t Be Hard!
I’ve spent most of my career developing in Java for the web. I’ve used the full range of frameworks: Servlets, JSPs, Struts, JSF, Wicket, and dozens more. Early in my career I did a lot of Swing development. Now I grant there are a lot of inherent problems there as well, but nowhere near the…
Why is Scala more difficult than Java?
I was pretty exclusively a Java developer for twelve years before making the switch to Scala. Yes, it was difficult to learn some of the syntactical differences, but now that I have I don’t want to turn back. No, this is not a baited question to get a flame-war going, but an honest attempt to…
Learning Scala: scala.Either
I would consider myself pretty competent with Scala at this point, but there is still so much I have yet to learn. Something I always used to do in Java was to work my way one class at a time through the JavaDocs of the language I am attempting to do with Scala now as…
The Pitfall of Programmer ADD
Programmer ADD: The (often external) push to work on many projects at a time rather than focusing on and accomplishing one task at a time. I currently work for a small company and unfortunately that means I’m constantly being pulled in many directions. There just aren’t enough people to do everything, but lately I’ve started…
Eclipse Helios (3.6 RC4)
I’ve been a user of Eclipse for many years now and when I saw there was a free t-shirt to be had by reviewing the newest release there was only one choice to make. The download is exactly the same as all previous releases but the first thing that struck me was the startup…