To my relatively small number of followers, it should come as no surprise that my biggest failing is actually getting much visibility for my vast number of open-source projects I write. To that end I’ve been doing some research and asking other developers to give me some suggestions on how to get more visibility for…
Category: learning
Play Framework for Scala: An Evaluation
I often speak to clients and developers that are pushing the Play Framework as the ideal web framework when developing Scala web applications. I started considering why Play is the framework that people tend to settle on, especially large companies. I think there are a few reasons: It’s supported by Typesafe *cough*, I mean Lightbend….
Mocking should be Mocked
I’ve worked with and for a lot of companies over the years and with the ones that actually care about unit testing Mocking (Mockito or some other variation) typically quickly enters the scene. My argument is that in proper coding you should be able to write proper unit tests without any mock objects. I’ll go…
Why Templates Suck
The Problem I’ve been asked a lot recently about what template engine I prefer and most people seem shocked when I say that I do my best to avoid them and just generally don’t like the idea of templates. Let me first define what I mean by templates before I get into my explanation so…
Hyperscala: Web Site
I have been negligent giving proper support to Hyperscala’s public appearance and have spent the past several months working on the API itself. However, today I finally released a very basic web site at The site is incredibly basic right now and not all that pretty but it is written in 100% Hyperscala and…
case class Scala
I’ve been pretty busy the past few weeks with clients and haven’t had much time to blog. Last week, however, I gave a presentation to the OKC JUG (Java Users Group) about Scala. As anyone that actually reads my blog must know, Scala is my primary language and I absolutely love it. This week since…
Hyperscala: Chat Example
Up to this point we’ve talked about the high-level features of Hyperscala and have gone through a simple Hello World example, but today we’re going to write a real application to show a fairly simple real-world web application. The real-world application we’re going to write today is a chat example. This will utilize real-time messaging,…
Hyperscala: Getting Started
Last week I did an introduction to Hyperscala and briefly outlined some really cool things it can do. This week I want to slow down a bit and take you through the basics of getting your first application up and running with Hyperscala. Requirements: Since there is a broad number of IDEs / editors used…
Learning Scala: scala.Either
I would consider myself pretty competent with Scala at this point, but there is still so much I have yet to learn. Something I always used to do in Java was to work my way one class at a time through the JavaDocs of the language I am attempting to do with Scala now as…